Vilje Asvorandi

Vilje Asvorandi is a roleplay character in Final Fantasy XIV
(Balmung/Crystal Datacenter)

Quick Bio

Name: Vilje Asvorandi

Race: Viera(Rava)

Age: 35

Occupation: Alchemist

Homeland: Dalmasca

Residence: Kugane

Sexuality: Bi


As little more than a babe, Vilje was brought to the Veena village of Asvorandi, somewhere deep in the mountains, by her father, and left in care of the women there. Where exactly she came from was never clear, but the child soon became seen as lucky by the elders of the village, the golden child among her peers.Poised to follow in the footsteps of one of the Matriarchs, Vilje had her first experience with outsiders in her teens, alongside a girl her own age, Saga. Vilje barely escaped the experience with her life, thanks to a voidsent entity, calling itself Whisper.Upon returning to Asvorandi, Vilje began arguing that without outside help, Asvorandi would eventually fall to a danger too big for them to handle without help. Despite her pleading, the Matriarchs refused to open the village up to outsiders.In a fit of frustration, Vilje left the village, determined to show them the dangers lurking outside so that they would agree to prepare.She now travels the world, searching for a threat she can bring back to Asvorandi to force the village Elders to accept her path.


Vilje is actively searching for a threat to bring home to her village, so she will seek out dangerous situations where she can find them. This includes people.
Before leaving Asvorandi, Vilje was trained as an alchemist. She has a decent knowledge of medicinal herbs and poultices and still regularly uses the trade to make money for her travels.
Saga was charged with tracking Vilje down to stop the threat she is now posing to Asvorandi. Her former tribe member may be interested in any information that could help her locate the misguided Viera.


Server: Balmung (Crystal Datacenter)
In Game Name: Vilje Asvorandi
Tumblr: The Void Stared Back

30-something gamer and roleplayer. I enjoy a wide variety of different types of RP and am usually pretty easy going. Open to suggestions for spots and long term storylines as well as one-offs!

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